Infrastructure as (.NET) code in Pulumi

Historically "Infrastructure as code" more often meant "markup as code" - requiring walls of XML, json, or YAML. That very rapidly become very hard to understand. My new role has introduced me to Pulumi where the code is (potentially) your favourite language. Not only that but its is platform agnostic. This talk will show how to build a small "stack" of services using Pulumi and to deploy same to (at least) two public clouds.

James Murphy

Recumbent riding, ale quaffing, programmer

James Murphy portrait

About James

Murph first laid hands to keyboard in 1979 and has been writing code and learning new things ever since. Having worked on pretty much everything he's probably now a server side specialist. He also displays an enthusiasm for automated build pipelines and thinks he may be getting the hang of hip software development concepts like "test first" and "agile"